
How Long Does It Take For Livescan To Clear

After Certifix Live Scan trained technician conducts your live scan fingerprint session.

The results are returned to the applicant agency within three days, delays can occur though.

Applicants should check, for the first seven days, with the applicant agency that requested the background review since the DOJ sends results directly to the applicant agency.

What can cause Livescan results delay?

  • Poor fingerprint quality.
  • The existence of any criminal information in the applicant's record.
  • Birthdates before 1920.
  • Incorrect data submitted on the electronic transaction.

You can help prevent delays by making sure the Live Scan operator has entered ALL the information on your Live Scan form and entered it CORRECTLY

Please visit us at to find your nearest location, or give us a call at 1-800-710-1934, or email us at


Read more about: What are the Safest Ways to Complete Your Live Scan during the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Image Credit Business photo created by katemangostar –

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does it take for the requesting agency to receive the results?

    The results will be sent from the Department of Justice to the requesting agency once it is done processing.
    Usually this takes about 2-3 business days but depending on the process at the DOJ, it can take 3-4 business weeks.
    If there are delays in the process, the DOJ will send a notice of Delay.

  • Who can I contact to check the status of my live scan?

    You can check the status of your live scan on the Department of Justice Applicant Status Check website: which will let you know if it is still processing or if it has been completed. You will need your date of birth and ATI number. The ATI number should be located at the bottom of the live scan form you received after you did live scan.

  • Can I get my results from a previous live scan sent to a new agency?

    Each Live Scan is only used for the agency requesting the information from the Department of Justice. Agencies are restricted by the DOJ from sharing your live scan results with other agencies in order to protect your information and the background check report is not stored in a database for other agencies to access. Each new requesting agency must make its own request by providing you with a live scan request form specific to them.

  • If the status of my live scan says it has been completed, but my employer has not received it what should I do?

    You must contact your employer, and they should contact the Department of Justice at to retrieve the results.
    The email must not include any personal information such as date of birth or social security number.
    It should include the following information: applicant full name, ORI, and ATI.

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How Long Does It Take For Livescan To Clear


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